Recalls Reports

Report on recalls.

Table 1. Recalls reports
Report > Recalls Description
Cancelled Recalls Displays details of recalls cancelled between two dates.

Specify a cancellation reason type or a recall type if required.

Child Health Check Chart Lists children between two ages (and under 5 years old) and shows child development checks that have been performed, have a recall or are due without a recall being present. This report uses the standard Check up;child clinical items and the Check up;Healthy Kids Check item. Also included are HU5K checks. The 9 month HU5K check is considered an 8 month check for compatibility with the standard child health checks.

Specify the ordering of the report (patient name or date of birth), patient status, locality group and age range. Show all eligible patients or only those with a check due or due by a specified date (for example, you may specify a date in 7 days' time so that reminder letters can be sent).

Each check is shown with the following notation:
  • --: Check not performed.
  • Done: Check done and recorded.
  • X: Check cancelled.
  • Recall: An incomplete recall is in place.
  • DUE: The child has no completed check or a recall and is now over the age that this check is due by the specified date.
A blank entry means the check has not been performed, there is no recall and the check is not due until after the specified date.
To include local clinical items, use the following export codes:
  • First check after birth: CHC-FA or HU5K-FA.
  • 2 months, 6-8 weeks: CHC-8W or HU5K-8W.
  • 4 months: CHC-4M or HU5K-4M.
  • 6 months: CHC-6M or HU5K-6M.
  • 8 months, 9 months: CHC-8M or HU5K-9M.
  • 12 months: CHC-12M or HU5K-12M.
  • 18 months: CHC-18M or HU5K-18M.
  • 2 years: CHC-2Y or HU5K-2Y.
  • 2.5 years: CHC-30M or HU5K-30M.
  • 3 years: CHC-3Y or HU5K-3Y.
Completion Rate For all recallable clinical item types, shows the number actually completed and the number due or overdue.

If you select a specific encounter place, ensure that the associated locality group is also selected as automated recalls are not associated with an encounter place unless they have been manually accepted by a provider.

Referrals are excluded. Deceased and fictitious patients are excluded from the calculation.

Completion Rate Automated Recalls For all enabled automatically generated recallable clinical item types, shows the number of recalls overdue and the percentage of recalls completed.

The report can be run for any selected status, but it is most meaningful when run for current patients. It will then indicate automated recalls that you may wish to either disable or focus on.

Manually generated recalls are excluded from the calculation.

The formula used is: (Recalls complete * 100) / (Recalls complete and incomplete (due before today))

Deceased and fictitious patients are excluded from the calculation.

Contraception Recalls Due Lists details of all current patients who have contraceptive recalls due now, or up to 7 days in the future.

Use this report as a work list for contraceptive recalls.

This report lists recalls in any clinical item group with the word CONTRACEPTION in its title. Make sure locally defined terms are included in groups.

Count by Type Counts all recalls by type whether due or not.

Filter by patient locality group.

Due - By Keyword Reports all recalls due within a specified number of days where the recall type has a selected keyword.

Use to create work lists for all localities, or a specific locality.

This report is grouped by locality then ordered by due date.

Due - By Locality Lists recalls due within the next 14 days, grouped by home address locality or for a selected locality only.

Use this report to see recalls due in particular localities.

Also use this report to export recalls to Microsoft Excel. When exported, this report also includes a special format "due date".

Due - By Record Storage Location Report all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead for a specified record storage location.

Use this report to create work lists.

This report is the SQL version of the Recalls Due Form and can be used to schedule reports for automated generation and e-mail delivery.

There is an option to exclude on registration recalls.

Due - Selected Clinical Item Group Report all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead for patients with a condition belonging to a selected clinical item group or clinical item and living in a selected locality or locality group.

Use this report to create work lists.

This report includes filters for provider and encounter place. When these filters are used any 'on registration' recalls are excluded as are 'on completion' and 'on presentation' recalls that were enabled after the trigger item was added to the database.

There is an option to exclude on registration recalls.

Due - Selected Locality Group Lists recalls due within the next specified days, by Locality Group, and indicates if the patient already has an appointment booked in the future and how many times the patient has been seen since the recall was due.

Clinics can use this report to see which of the recalls they have generated (either manually or by accepting On Completion or On Presentation recalls) are (over)due or nearly due.

On Registration recalls are not listed by this report.

Due - Selected Provider and Item Lists recalls due within the next specified number of days, for a specific item, which were generated by the selected provider.

A provider may use this report to see which of the recalls they have generated (either manually or by accepting On Completion or On Presentation recalls) are (over)due or nearly due.

The Provider selection box only shows currently enabled providers. The option to show <All Providers> includes recalls made by currently disabled providers and automated on registration recalls.

On Registration recalls are only shown if <All Providers> is selected. On Completion and On Presentation recalls that were generated retrospectively are only shown if <All Providers> is selected.

Due - Selected Provider Name Lists recalls due within the next specified number of days, which were generated by the selected provider.

A provider may use this report to see which of the recalls they have generated (either manually or by accepting On Completion or On Presentation recalls) are (over)due or nearly due.

The Provider selection box only shows currently enabled providers. The option to show <All Providers> includes recalls made by currently disabled providers and automated on registration recalls.

On Registration recalls are only shown if <All Providers> is selected. On Completion and On Presentation recalls that were generated retrospectively are only shown if <All Providers> is selected.

Due - Selected Topic Report all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead that belong to a selected clinical item topic for patients living in a specific locality or locality group.

Use the report, for example, to find all 'ear' recalls by selecting the topic 'Ear'.

Due Despite Later Investigation Result Shows patients where there is a result for a selected investigation and a recall due for a selected clinical item that is older than the date of the test.

Use this report to find patients where there may be a recall for, say, a pap smear, but the result has already arrived and may even have been reviewed but the recall remains.

To select a result enter all or part of the test name as returned by the pathology or radiology lab - all results matching the search will be checked.

Due Except Selected Recall Types Report all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead with options to exclude pap smears (including Women's Health checks), mammograms, aboriginal health checks,immunisation reviews or immunisations.

Filter by patient's current locality or locality group.

Due Transient Clients by Record Site Lists all recalls due, up to 14 days in advance, for transient clients, by "record storage" place.

Use this report to list recalls for clients who may be regular visitors to a clinic's area of responsibility.

Health Check Management Lists all patients with a health check which has been started but has not yet been completed. Included is any health check with the system code of CHC, AHC, EHC or OHC. For example, Aboriginal & TSI adult check.

Use this report to find check ups that are in progress including those that are just waiting for a doctor to complete.

A claim is due if the latest claim is more than the claim interval ago and the item is 100% complete. Complete the item and make the claim.

The item should be completed if the latest claim is less than the claim interval ago and the item date is older or equal to the claim date.

These COVID-19 MBS items are included as equivalents of the 715 health assessment item: 92004, 92016, 228, 92011, 92023.

Each record indicates the percentage of required qualifiers that have been completed in a timely manner. This is useful to indicate where a check up is 'nearly' complete rather than 'just started'. For records with a comment that only a doctor can complete that is some time in the past, but may now be out of date, the percentage complete will give an indication of whether the checks that have been done are not too long ago.

Fictitious patients are excluded but patients who have become deceased within the last six months are included. Patients with a cancelled recall are also excluded.

Healthy Under 5s Checks Wallchart for recalls due in the next one, three or six calendar months.

This report requires the HU5K dataset and appropriate recall protocols to be enabled.

The report prompts for patient status, locality group and maximum age of patient in years.

Only patients with a recall overdue or due in the next specified interval are included.

Immunisation Review Chart Shows all child immunisation reviews for children under a specified age. Reviews that have been completed are recorded as 'Done', reviews planned show the planned date and reviews not recorded are shown empty.

Use this report to monitor completion of reviews of immunisations for children.

The report can be ordered by name or date of birth (youngest first).

Immunisation Reviews Due Lists all Review;immunisation recalls due within the next specified days for patients between two selected ages. The age range must be specified in years, months, weeks and days. For example:
  • '5Y 7M 2W 0D' means 5 years and 7 months and 2 weeks.
  • '5Y 6M 0W 0D' means 5 and a half years.
  • '0Y 0M 2W 3D' means 2 weeks and 3 days.

Immunisation recalls should be recorded using specific recalls which have descriptions beginning Review;immunisation; followed by the age due.

Immunisation Reviews Reminder Letters Lists details of upcoming immunisation reviews. Use it to automatically generate recall letters for patients with due or overdue immunisation reviews. Children under 18 years old will have the letter addressed c/o any recorded mother, father or carer (selected in that order).

Click Yes to print a standard letter for each patient who has an upcoming review.

Click Advanced to export this list as a word processor merge file to send reminder letters.

Immunisations Due Form This report is used as a data entry form. It produces a complete list of patients who have immunisations that are currently due or outstanding.

This report can be printed and used for such areas as school or remote clinic visits.

Specific immunisation types or all immunisations due, can be selected. Localities and age groups can also be specified.

Incomplete for a Selected Clinical Item Lists all patients with a selected clinical item which has been started but has not yet been completed.

Use this report to find check ups that are in progress including those that are just waiting for a doctor to complete.

Each record indicates the percentage of required qualifiers that have been completed in a timely manner. This is useful to indicate where a check up is 'nearly' complete rather than 'just started'. For records with a comment that only a doctor can complete that is some time in the past, but may now be out of date, the percentage complete will give an indication of whether the checks that have been done are not too long ago.

Fictitious patients are excluded but patients who have become deceased within the last six months are included. Patients with a cancelled recall are also excluded.

Patient To Do List Shows the filtered To Do list for selected patients.

Filter by patient status, locality or locality group and specified clinical items (including just recalls or just incomplete referrals).

Select Yes to exclude On Registration recalls and filter out any recall that has been put in a patient's To Do list by an automated on registration rule.

Patient To Do List for Selected Patient Shows the filtered To Do list for a selected patient.

You can filter just recalls or just incomplete referrals.

Select Yes to exclude On Registration recalls and filter out any recall that has been put in a patient's To Do list by an automated on registration rule.

Recalls and Imms Due Form This report is used as a data entry form. It shows all outstanding recalls for the patients selected by the standard report options used.

It has spaces to enter a recall completed date and next due date. The next due date (for the next recall) is optional and should only be used when the patient needs to be recalled at other than the standard recall interval or not at all. Recalls for deceased patients are excluded.

Recalls Due Report all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead.

Use this report to create work lists. Run this report in Advanced mode or export to Microsoft Excel to display Medicare numbers.

This report is the SQL version of the Recalls Due Form and can be used to schedule reports for automated generation and email delivery.

This report includes filters for provider and encounter place. When these filters are used, any 'on-registration' recalls are excluded as are 'on-completion' and 'on-presentation' recalls that were enabled after the trigger item was added to the database. Additionally, filter by locality or locality group, recall, patient status, patient group, recall responsibility, age range, sex, provider, encounter place and patient risk status (using the 'At risk if appointments are missed' tickbox on the clinical record).

There is an option to exclude on-registration recalls.

Recalls Due Form Produces a complete list of patients who have recalls that are currently due or outstanding.

This report can be printed and used for such areas as home or remote clinic visits.

Specific recall types or all recalls due, can be selected. Localities and age groups can also be specified.

Recalls Due Multiselect Reports all recalls due up to a specified number of days ahead.

Either all recall types or up to five specified recall types can be selected.

Use this report to create work lists.

This report is an SQL version of the Recalls Due Form and can be used to schedule reports for automated generation and email delivery.

This report includes filters for provider and encounter place. When these filters are used any 'on registration' recalls are excluded as are 'on completion' and 'on presentation' recalls that were enabled after the trigger item was added to the database.

The clinical item group filter is based on the patient having at least one clinical item belonging to that group in their clinical record of any date. It identifies patients with a specific chronic disease and is not related to the type of recall.

There is an option to exclude on registration recalls.

Reminder Letters Lists details of upcoming recalls for a specific reason.

Use this report to automatically generate recall letters for patients with due or overdue recalls.

The Provider selection box only shows currently enabled providers. The option to show All Providers includes recalls made by currently disabled providers and automated on registration recalls.

Click Yes to print a standard letter for each patient who has an upcoming review.

Click Advanced to export this list as a word processor merge file to send reminder letters.

Reminder Letters for Selected Provider Lists details of all upcoming recalls created by a specific provider.

Use it to automatically generate recall letters for patients with due or overdue recalls.

Click Yes to print a standard letter for each patient who has an upcoming review.

Click Advanced to export this list as a word processor merge file to send reminder letters.

Test Result Followup Lists details of all patients who have any incomplete recalls for any test results follow-up due in the next specified number of days.

Use this report as a work list to contact patients who require follow-up after pathology results have been returned.

The report will include any recall that starts with the words Followup;Test result and any other recall that appears on the Add Recall button on the Match and Review Result window. For more information, see Reviewing and matching results.

With Expiry Dates Displays details of recalls that have expiry dates.

Specify a recall type if required.