Drug and Alcohol Treatment Reports

Report on client enrolments and exits to Drug and Alcohol Treatment programs and analyse the effectiveness of the service.

Table 1. Drug and Alcohol Treatment reports
Report > Drug and Alcohol Treatment Description
Client Exits Shows all exits recorded between two dates, including exit date, name of client, file ID, home town and length of stay to the nearest week.

Use it to help analyse service effectiveness.

Only Administrators can run this report.

Clients in Residence Lists the names of all clients in residence on a selected date.

Use this report to confirm that all residential clients have been properly admitted, or to check if a particular client is currently in residence.

Enrolments and Exits Lists all client enrolments and exits during the selected period, analysed by Aboriginality and age group.

Use this report to evaluate utilisation of the drug and alcohol centre.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Episodes by Language Lists the number of episodes between selected dates, analysed by principal drug of concern.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Episodes by Locality Lists the number of episodes between selected dates, analysed by locality and principal drug of concern.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Exit analysis Lists all client exits during the selected period, analysed by Aboriginality and age group.

Use this report to evaluate utilisation of the drug and alcohol centre.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Exit referral analysis Lists all client exits during the selected period, analysed by exit referral type.

Use this report to measure referrals made on client exit from the treatment program.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Groups and Episodes This report is similar to the DASAR report on "Groups and Episodes".
A "Group" is counted when one or more clients have a "DATS Group activity". An "Episode" is counted for each client who attends. This is in accordance with the definitions used for the DASAR. For example, if 5 clients attend a "DATS Cultural group" and 7 clients attend a "DATS Education group" on the same day, this report will list:
  • 1 "DATS Cultural group" with 5 episodes.
  • 1 "DATS Education group" with 7 episodes.

Fictitious clients are excluded.

NT Monthly Episodes Prints information equivalent to the Northern Territory Client Database Episode form.
If applicable, run once for each month and sent to:
  • Planning & Information Officer
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Program
  • PO Box 40596
  • Casuarina NT 0811
NT Monthly Registrations Prints information equivalent to the Northern Territory Client Database Registration form.
If applicable, run once for each month and sent to:
  • Planning & Information Officer
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Program
  • PO Box 40596
  • Casuarina NT 0811
Re-Admissions Lists clients who were readmitted during a selected period.

Use this report to list clients with multiple admissions.

Fictitious clients are excluded.

Residential Occupancy by Age Lists the number of nights of occupancy between selected dates, divided between clients aged under16 years and over.

Use this report to complete occupancy analysis.

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Residential Occupancy by Source Lists the number of nights of occupancy between selected dates, analysed by source of referral.

Fictitious clients are ignored.