Transport Management Reports

Report on information entered using the Transport Management module.

Table 1. Transport Management reports
Report > Transport Management Description
Daily Transport Itemised Create a summary list of the daily transport requirements.

The list will show active bookings for the selected day only.

Export to Microsoft Excel for full data, otherwise click Yes to see a printable summary.

Daily Transport Requirements A detailed list of the daily transport requirements.

The list will also show requirements from previous days which have not been fulfilled.

Missed Bookings A detailed list of patients who missed a transport booking between two dates for one of the following reasons:
  • Patient did not attend.
  • Refused by patient.
  • Cancelled by patient.

Transport bookings that are still outstanding are not included. A filter for patient home address is provided.

Pick-ups and Drop-offs Displays the number of passengers picked up and dropped off for each place between two dates. The report includes the dates entered.
  • Pickups and Dropoffs count only those transport management services where the outcome is 'Transport provided'.
  • DNA counts services where the outcome is 'Patient did not attend.
  • DNF counts services where the outcome is 'Patient could not be found'.
  • REFUSALS counts services where the outcome is 'Refused by patient'.
  • CANCEL counts services where the outcome is 'Cancelled by patient', 'Cancelled by service', 'Patient transported by other means' or 'Appointment rescheduled'.

Where Transport Services data is included the Aboriginality is not recorded therefore these data only appear when the Aboriginality option is 'Unknown' or 'All').

Active bookings are not included.

Services by Driver Displays the number of journeys, total distance travelled, total time spent travelling and number of passengers picked up and dropped off by each driver between two dates. The report includes the dates entered.
Services Provided

Count of transport services provided by patient.

This report shows patient names with a count of how many transport services were completed, are still active or were cancelled/DNA between two dates. 'DNA' includes all cancelled bookings as well as no shows, refusals, rescheduled bookings and bookings where the patient was transported by other means.