Pregnancy Reports

Report on pregnancy numbers, outcomes, diabetes and mental health.

Table 1. Pregnancy reports
Report > Pregnancy Description
Current Antenatal List Shows summary details for all currently pregnant women. The list is ordered by EDD with the earliest first.

Use this report to find women who are due to give birth or have not yet had the outcome of their pregnancy recorded.

Also shown is the date of the last item and a count of items that appear in the details of the current pregnancy. These items are those that appear on the Antenatal Check button (for example, Check up;antenatal and other pregnancy procedures).

Contributing pregnancy factors (clinical items added after the pregnancy start to indicate, say, twins) can be included or excluded as required.

Export this report to Microsoft Excel to include mailing address details that can be used for a mail merge.

EPDS EPDS scores by collection occasion for National Perinatal Depression Initiative.
NT Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinical Register

Provides information for the DIP Register referral. The information relates to a single patient. This report should be printed and attached to referrals to the Diabetes in Pregnancy Register.

The report contains biographic information about the patient; details of the referring provider and clinic; gestation, LMP and EDD for the current pregnancy; latest height, BP and risk factors; current and regular medications; past diagnoses of diabetes and hypertension (gestational and non-gestational); dates and values of the following measures recorded in the previous nine months: weight, glucose level, Hb, HbA1c, eGFR, ACR, creatinine, lipids, smoking and alcohol status changes.

Outcomes Analyses all pregnancy outcomes between two dates.

Use this report to find all women who have ended a pregnancy in a given period. It is also useful when requiring supplementary information relating to the Healthy for Life maternal and antenatal reports.

Also shown is the date of the first postnatal check after the end of the pregnancy and the number of whole weeks between these two events.

Perinatal Depression Project Report of EPDS for National Perinatal Depression Initiative.
Weight Gain Analysis Shows all pregnancy outcomes between two dates and shows all mothers' weight measurements from 90 days before conception to the end of the pregnancy.

This report can be used to see all mothers with diabetes living in a selected locality group