Workstations Reports

Report on workstations.

Table 1. Workstations reports
Report > Workstations Description
Client List Count the number of Communicare licences (workstations) used in the last 60 days.

This report lists workstation computer names and Communicare usernames.

Client List - Five Fortnights User Median Count the number of Communicare licences (Users) that have been used in the last 5 fortnights, excluding the users MEDISYS, CCUSER, SYSDBA & CENTRAL.

The five fortnights are calculated backwards from day before the reference date.

For current usage enter today's date or 'TODAY'. If you want to include today's partial usage, enter tomorrow's date or 'TOMORROW'.

Client List selected date range Count the number of Communicare licences (workstations) used in a selected range of dates.

This report lists workstation computer names and Communicare usernames.

Client Users Locate all workstations that are running Communicare.

This report lists workstation computer names and the user names that were logged on at the time Communicare was started. It is limited to the last 60 days.

Client Versions Find workstations that have not been upgraded to the current version of Communicare.

This report lists computer name and Communicare version number used in the last 7 days.

Rolling Fortnightly Averages Licence review report.

This report shows the previous eight 12-month periods, starting with each quarter, and calculates the rolling average users per fortnight over the 12-month period.

Workstation Client List selected date range Lists each computer accessing a Communicare database during a selected period, with the Communicare and Windows user names.
This report shows:
  • Workstation computer names
  • Communicare user names
  • Windows user names
Communicare system accounts (CCUSER and MEDISYS) are excluded.

Use this query to count the number of Communicare licences (workstations) used in a selected range of dates. Also use this report to identify terminal servers.