Procedure Outcome/Topic Analysis

This report is available in several styles.

  • Patient Conditions by Topic and Frequency

    Lists Condition Topics (Clinical Item Type Topic for Class = Condition) for conditions in descending order by frequency. For each topic, lists patient details (site/patient/birthdate) for patients in the population. Note that "frequency" is the number of occurrences of the Topic in the population defined by the selection in effect (the selected site, or all sites, and so on).

  • Procedure Outcome Analysis

    Lists for each procedure qualifiers measured as part of that procedure, and summarises (counts, averages) the outcomes.

    Average outcomes display only for numerical qualifiers. Displayed precision of averages is 2 fractional decimal digits more than the number of fractional decimal digits actually encountered in the data for that qualifier.

  • Procedure Outcomes for Patient

    Shows qualifiers and their outcomes in order by date for each patient.