OATSIH Service Activity Reporting

Communicare provides specialised reports for each of the statistical questions in the Service Activity Report.

Questions 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d relate to episodes of health care. The information for these questions is drawn from the Service Recording module, with reference to patient data and provider details. Episodes of care that involve only providers with specialty of Transport worker are excluded from all of question 3 answers.

Question 3b relates to clients who normally live outside your health service area. To do this, the report utilises a special locality group called 'Health Service Area'. It is important that this locality group contains every locality covered by your health service and no localities that are not covered. To help you with this Communicare provides a report on the Reports|Reference Tables menu called Localities Not in Health Service Area. Check that no localities on that report fall within your health service area.

Question 4a relates to client contacts. This question requires the contacts to be divided by the clinical specialty of the provider, for example, Doctor, Nurse. Communicare accomplishes this by counting contacts according to each provider's specialty. However, for transport services the question wants the contacts divided according to whether the client was being taken to see 'health professionals who work at this service' or 'health professionals who do not work for this service'. Transport activity that does not directly relate to health care, such as delivery of meals or taking a client shopping, should be excluded. Transport services recorded in Service Recording by Transport workers do not usually have information about health professional the client is going to see, particularly when the provider does not work for your health service. However, the Transport Module does record information about where each client is taken. For this reason, it is preferable to record transport services in the Transport Module rather than the Service Recording module. In either case, Communicare will report all the relevant information on the report, so you can interpret it as necessary.

Question 4b and 4c relate to influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations. Health services record immunisations in a variety of ways, so this report counts all immunisations that contain the letters 'PNE' or 'FLU'. The report also includes qualifiers (except BATCH) because some health service record immunisations provided by other agencies and identify them with a qualifier. In this case also, the report should be read and interpreted as necessary.

Group episodes

Currently these reports look for clinical items with the word 'GROUP' in the description. Patients with such an item on the same day are assumed to have attended the same group meeting.

Communicare Support provides a confidential, free-of-charge service whereby all of these reports can be run for you and the results returned to you on a SAR report form.