Locality Snippets

/*This provides a dropdown box of preferred localities.*/


  STATEMENT="select locality_name
                  , locality_no
             from locality
             where locality_preferred = 'Y'
             select cast('<All Localities>' as Varchar(40)) locality_name
                  , cast(-1 as integer) locality_no
             from rdb$database"
  DEFAULT="<All Localities>"


where (locality_no = :Locality
  or Cast(-1 as integer) = :Locality)
/*This provides a dropdown box of locality groups.*/


  STATEMENT="select locality_combine_desc
                  , locality_combine_no
             from locality_combine"


join locality_combine_locals lcl on lcl.locality_no = p.locality_no
  and lcl.locality_combine_no = :Locality_Group
where (locality_combine_no = :Locality_Group)
/*This provides a dropdown box of locality groups including all locality groups.*/


  STATEMENT="select locality_combine_desc
                  , locality_combine_no
             from locality_combine
             select cast('<All Locality Groups>' as Char(30)) locality_combine_desc
                  , cast(-1 as integer) locality_combine_no
             from rdb$database
             select cast('<Not in Health Service Area>' as Char(30)) locality_combine_desc
                  , cast(-2 as integer) locality_combine_no
             from rdb$database"
  DEFAULT="<All Locality Groups>"


left outer join locality_combine_locals lcl on lcl.locality_no = p.locality_no
  and lcl.locality_combine_no = :Locality_Group
left outer join (locality_combine_locals hsal
join locality_combine hsa on hsa.locality_combine_no = hsal.locality_combine_no
  and hsa.locality_combine_desc_uc = 'HEALTH SERVICE AREA') on hsal.locality_no = p.locality_no
where (lcl.locality_combine_no = :Locality_Group
  or cast(-1 as integer) = :Locality_Group
  or (cast(-2 as integer) = :Locality_Group
    and hsal.locality_no is null))