Where Definition
When you double-click on one of the cells on the Condition row of the Query_Grid, the Enter the where definition dialog box is displayed. The current Table and Field names are displayed in the top left corner.
A Logical Operator is then selected from the drop down box, for example =, <, >,
<=; >=, <>
, and so on, and a value is then entered in the text box.
For example, to set the condition of all patients over the age of 15 the operator is
and the value is 15.
15 in the Condition line, then < 65
the OR line. The result will be all patients aged between 16 and 64. DD-MMM-YYYY
for example, 09-JAN-2000Conditions can be very complex. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of operators and conditions practice with some simple examples and gradually expand the criteria.
Use the Expert Mode tab to enter calculated field definitions more quickly once you are used to their syntax and how the program operates. The right side of the window lists the data fields and the calculated fields already defined, while the left side lists the operators. No special assistants are provided, and variables are created manually.
the date surrounded by single quotes ' '
. For example,